HERE WE WENT AGAIN!!! We’ve had the Frostbite Follies, the Aspen Antics, the Battery Bash, the California Caper in Corona del Mar, the Desert Dalliance, the Florida Fling, Cal Caper II aka the Indian Wells Pow-Wow, the Bermuda Bacchanal, the Princeton Pfling and Battery Bash II aka The Piccolo Spoleto Spectacular. Well then, now we were more than ready for number ELEVEN: Soons in Seattle. Yes, the Princeton Nassoons Alumni Virtuosi Emeriti, headed to Seattle and Port Ludlow, Washington for yet one more great reunion filled with fun, fellowship and fine singing, all thanks to our extraordinary hosts, Dick and Carol Grieves. And we weren't sleepless in Seattle, by any means.
Some twenty-four souls, count 'em, 24 stalwart '50s/'60s/+ Nassoons attended ... Roger Bates, Steve Blakeslee, Bob Brodsky, Jim Crawford, Dunc & Joan Dempster, Rick Eisenhart, Eric & Patsy Everbach, Jerry & Betsy Ford, Dean & Nancy Harrison, Chuck Goldberg, Dick & Carol Grieves, Pete & Lana Graff, JD & Judy Helms, Dave Howell & Carolyn Davis, Buzz & Sue Kelsey, Gary Lane & Ouise, Don & Judi LeWin, Rich & Vicky McGlynn, John & Mart Peiper, Lew Ross & Miles Dumont, Jim Schenkel, Barry Schuman, Bob & Beth Taylor, & Dave Watts.
First was a wonderful three-day stay at the WAC in central Seattle, where we enjoyed all the luxuries of big city life. Who can forget that memorable WAC Quack ride through the city and on into and around Lake Union and then back again, with Captain Rocky Bottom at the helm. Then, tiring of city life, we all boarded the Puget Sound ferry for the trip over to Port Ludlow, where we spent the final 3 days at the Inn at Port Ludlow and the beautiful home of our hosts, Dick and Carol Grieves.
Here's the schedule of events we followed:
Tuesday, September 9 Arrive Seattle Buffet dinner at the WAC
Wednesday, September 10 Rehearsal: 9:30-Noon Lunch on own, afternoon free
Wednesday evening Sing for Cocktail Reception for local HYP alums at the WAC (cash bar)
Dinner on own
Thursday, September 11 Rehearsal: 9:30-Noon Following lunch, depart for Port Ludlow from Seattle
Thursday evening Buffet dinner at Inn at Port Ludlow
Friday, September 12 Rehearsal: 9:30-Noon Afternoon – free
Friday evening Concert: 7:15 at The Bay Club, followed by dinner at the Grieves’ home
Saturday, September 13 Morning and afternoon at leisure
Saturday evening Gala Farewell Dinner at the incomparable Ajax Cafe. Informal singing and stories
Sunday, September 14 Buzz off!
Since pictures are worth several thousand words, here are some which may bring back some memories:
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And now, let's see what the Nassoon Notes had to say: