Friday, April 8, 2016
Beginning at 4:00 Check-in, Nassau Inn Lobby
Dinner on your own
Rehearsals in decade groups (Woolworth- BYOB discretely please)
10:00 or thereabouts: Choos in the Room
Saturday, April 9, 2016
Breakfast on your own
9:00-4:00 Richardson Auditorium, Decade groups perform, whole
group sings
President McAdoo's "State of the Soons" and memorial for Sonos
no longer with us
Lunch will be at noon at a site nearby (vouchers included with
with us your reunion registration fee)
6:30 Cocktail reception, Nassau Inn
7:30 Dinner, Nassau Inn Ball Room; Performance by the undergrad
After Dinner: Choos in the Room
Sunday, April 10, 2016
Breakfast on your own
Noon-2:30 pm Celebrating 75 years of a cappella music at Princeton
Richardson Auditorium- Performance by many of Princeton's
undergraduate a cappella groups for Nassoon alumni and the
entire University Community. Open to the public.
Marching orders from our esteemed leader